Cowboy Kush

Bruce Kushnick

When I looked up "Cowboy Kush", I found that my namesake, Kush, was already a brand name.

I was asked if I could write come alternative C&W that keeps the dissonance to a minimum and raise the twang in my voice, thought I did add a few off beats, just to make sure you know I go to the beat of a different drummer.

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I Really Like these Tunes.

Bruce Kushnick

The eclectic meets the sublime. Each tune has a specific point of view musically and all depend on a collection of organ, piano, other keyboards and the inability to go back to sleep -- just kidding. You shouldn't make fun of someone's compulsive addictions, right?

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Bruce Kushnick

A collection of short songs that each tell a story, with not always a happy ending, but could put a smirk on your face and a dark chuckle in your body.

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Bruce Kushnick

This album marks my 8000th tune and it is irreverent, illogical and I assume others will have a different take. I wrote and played everything. Now you know who to blame. And it is dedicated to IRREGULATOR Ken.

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What the TwentyTwentyThrees

Bruce Kushnick

This Album was written in twenty-twenty-three---where I wrote my 8064th tune. It is a collection of styles that should make you laugh, cry and other things inbetween. In 1980 i never thought I'd be sitting here typing this. I didn't think I'd live this long. Place no bets, Ladies and Gentleman.

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